Relevant Fire Safety System Compliance Exemption
Under the Environment Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021, an Accredited Practitioner (Fire Safety) is required when applying to exempt compliance of a relevant fire safety system with the Building Code of Australia.
When existing buildings and the associated relevant fire safety systems are modified or extended, the extension or modification is commonly required to comply with the current version of the Building Code of Australia. Often this would require expensive upgrades to the base equipment and create possible interfacing issues with other equipment.
Under these circumstances it may be possible to apply for a compliance exemption, meaning that the extensions or modifications can also be undertaken in accordance with the older design standards and preventing the need for other expensive equipment upgrades or modifications.
Through our extensive industry experience and knowledge, Competent Fire Safety Professionals are able to assist with the application for compliance exemption. Call us today to discuss your needs.
Need an expert APFS to assist with your application for a building fire safety compliance exemption?
Call us today on 026624700702 6624 7007 or email via our online form.